First of all, I LOVE my Ashley! I am happy to say that I am going to be her Maid of Honor!!!!!! I have never been a Maid of Honor before. I have been a bridesmaid once for my friends Trent & Jennifer, but that is it. I am oober excited!!! I think that she wants the bridesmaid dresses deep green color, most likely emerald. Which, that color looks good on a lot of people. I'm ready to start my duties! Miss Ashley Funderburke is getting married to Daniel Carter. I thought it was cool that both couples that I had and will see get married, I've know both the bride and groom because they are all good friends. That's another thing........when I get married(only God knows when that is) I want the man I marry to be not only my husband, but also my best friend. That's what I see in Trent & Jennifer and Ashley & Daniel's relationship. A friendship, and that's what I hope for. I believe that God will send the right guy for me. A man that will love me no matter how goofy or weird I am(hopefully he is equally weird). Someone who knows who they are and knows who God is, and is strong in both areas. Oh, whomever you are be prepared. I am a diabetic and so that takes some money. I have luckily found that I can purchase my needles for $9.00 and my Glucophage for $4.00. So we're covered there. :D But seriously, I just want someone who will love me for me and all that goes with it. Because if you have to change yourself to be with someone, then honestly, they aren't the One. So changing the subject completely, I made a 95 on my 1st quiz in my computer class, and I actually talked to some people in it. You might think,"So what?" But I am one to not really talk or open up to people I don't know. I'm doing better, but its a slow process. I have a few close friends that I act like a complete dork around but other than that,...you will probably have to start the conversation.
Live Life
You're the meaning in my life
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We found our song by the way... you're gonna have a fit.
Mae sings it.